Electrical Power Distribution Circuit Breakers and Spare Parts

Clips and Tips

103 videos found
Siemens-Allis Chalmers Motor Cut Off Switch for MA\FC for 515 Mechanism
SA MOTOR CUT OFF SWITCH FOR MA / FC WITH 515 MECHANISM: Siemens / Allis Chalmers 18-739-827-502. Repair Siemens | Allis Chalmers circuit breaker and switchgear, find replacement parts.
Why I Take Fridays Off
I take Fridays off. It's 5:30 on Thursday. I gave my day to my customers. Now it's my family's turn.My wife is pregnant, and I have young kids.
How Death Changes You
I was using drugs, trying to start a business. Then my daughter died from an immunization shot. It took year to get over. But God had a plan, and helped me know how to respond.
Hospitalized For 5 Days
Hospitalized for Covid. I tested positive. Tell somebody you love them. You never know if it's the last day you'll see them. Time to return to my family and get on with my life!
Helping vs Enabling
I cut drugs cold turkey. I didn't want to feel that way anyway. Sometimes you need to let people help themselves. I made a choice to stay away from the people who were doing drugs.
Retrofitting and Reconditioning switchgear
Retrofitting and Reconditioning switchgear extends the life expectancy of current assets up to 30 years, depending on the switchgear’s condition.
Load-test and function-test your switchgear, breakers
We use the latest technology to fully load-test and function-test your equipment to ensure you get back a fully repaired and tested unit.
Low Voltage, Medium Voltage Switchgear, Replacement parts
BCS provides a range of Low Voltage Switchgear, Medium Voltage Switchgear and Replacement parts. Extending the life of your electrical gear.
Switchgear Reconditioning Service, Repair, Replacement Parts
A benefit of reconditioning switchgear is fast turnaround. Service is straightforward with shorter lead times. Just a couple days in some cases.
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