Stocking both air and vacuum circuit breakers, featuring ones from leading manufacturers that comprise a “Who’s who” list in the industrial electrical products industry.
New and New Surplus switchgear parts often in factory packaging. Unused surplus, large lot purchases of breakers. Find a switchgear circuit breaker that fits your budget.
Meeting switchgear, circuit breaker needs of customers in a variety of industries, Including electrical utility companies, refineries, universities, and manufacturing operations.
During this time, BCS has developed a reputation as a leader in the switchgear circuit breaker industry. Wide assortment of switchgear circuit breakers to meet any customer need.
Retrofit and life extension service, with a one-year warranty on all reconditioned circuit breakers. BCS’s service area spans the entire country. including TX and VA.
Our Krugerville, TX facility spans over 200,000 square feet and houses over 12,000 low and medium voltage circuit breakers from all major manufacturers.