Electrical Power Distribution Circuit Breakers and Spare Parts

Clips and Tips

103 videos found
Guess this Switchgear Part (14)
Shipping parts in most cases on the same day they are ordered. Service is fast with shorter lead times. Just a couple days in some cases. Using the latest technology.
Guess this Switchgear Part (15)
Retrofitting and Reconditioning switchgear extends the life expectancy of current assets up to 30 years, depending on the switchgear’s condition.
Guess this Switchgear Part (17)
Replacing common failure components and offer a 12-month in-service warranty. BCS power equipment and asset recovery business has bein in place 30 years.
Guess this Switchgear Part (19)
During this time, we've developed a reputation as a leader in the switchgear circuit breaker industry. Confidently buying and selling large lots from plant closures and auctions.
Guess this Switchgear Part (20)
Stocking air and vacuum circuit breakers, featuring vintage gear from leading manufacturers that comprise a “Who’s who” list in the industrial electrical products industry.
Switchgear Reconditioning, Repair, Upgrade
Switchgear Repair, Upgrade, Reconditioning includes a one-year warranty on all reconditioned circuit breakers used in the process. Replacing common failure components and offer a 12-month in-service warranty.
Guess this Switchgear Part (22)
Test equipment calibrated every year to make sure we are getting solid and accurate readings from our test equipment. Low Voltage Switchgear, Medium Voltage Switchgear and Replacement parts.
Guess this Switchgear Part (23)
Switchgear Modernization Solutions sustain your existing gear by upgrading components matching current technologies. Most parts can be shipped in the same day
Guess this Switchgear Part (24)
Switchgear equipment testing ensuring your gear meets manufacturer, PEARL, NETA and other industry standards. We calibrate equipment for accurate reading.
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