Electrical Power Distribution Circuit Breakers and Spare Parts

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103 videos found
Siemens RL circuit breakers are for low voltage type R switchgear. RL low voltage power circuit breakers are designed for up to 600 V service. These Low-voltage replacement circuit breakers provide a cost-effective way to upgrade.
GE AKD 10 WavePro for Switchgear Breaker Short Circuits
WavePro circuit breakers for switchgear designed for short circuits. For power systems ranging 208V to 600V,current ratings 800AMP to 5000AMP. Interrupt ratings from 30kA to 200kA.
GE Magnablast Receptacle, (racking motor plug)
Know this Part? It's a GE Magnablast cell side receptacle for a Magnablast lifting motor. Also known as racking motor plug for General Electric Magnablast switchgear. Reliable control and protection of electrical apparatus and power systems.
About Square D NW Masterpact 800 to 4000 Amp
Square D NW Masterpact -800 to 4000 Amp - Switchgear of the week. Generally speaking, 3 and 4-pole. Generally speaking, they are available with MicroLogic controls, Fixed mount, drawout, Integ. current, volt, power, energy metering management, leakage protection, and network analysis functions
Electrical Switchgear and Breaker Warehouse
When it’s time to upgrade or replace aging equipment, BCS Switchgear Modernization Solutions help you sustain your existing line-up.
GE Power Vac Switchgear Repair, Replace, Breaker Parts
Power Vac Circuit Breaker User Manual contains detailed information on topics including: Front View of Power/ Vac* Breaker with Front Cover. Contact: BCS Switchgear | bcsswitchgear.com
Medium-voltage VCP-W vacuum circuit breaker Repair, Replace Parts
Older and newer Medium-voltage VCP-W vacuum circuit breaker vary with the following vacuum circuit breaker features: - wires and terminals control and protect for electrical equipment and circuits, operated manually under full load...
GE Magne Blast AM - Switchgear Vertical Lift - Repair, Replace Parts
Magne Blast Switchgear Ground and Test Device -- GE AM breakers and Vertical Lift Switchgear. This is a Magne Blast Switchgear replacement circuit breaker and is a vacuum circuit breaker.
Siemens GM SG 63 KAIC Replace or repair your breakers
We've got about five Siemens GM-SG 63KA IC breakers for switchgear. We're trying to fill up the warehouse. Do you need to replace or repair your breakers or your switchgear?
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